SPEECH therapy
Enhancing Mobility and Functionality
Speech therapy includes, but is not limited to, voice therapy, cognitive therapy, speech/language therapy, and swallow therapy. Through evaluation and individualized plans of care, speech therapy will treat concerns and perform exercises to prevent further decline. Everyone deserves a voice, and our therapists aim to improve patients’ functional communication.
Speech therapy may be recommended for some of the following diagnoses: Aphasia, Apraxia, Dysphagia, Dysarthria, Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Voice Disorders, Cognitive-Communication Disorders, and Expressive and Receptive Language Disorders.
Speech therapists are also trained to assess and treat cognitive concerns that include attention, memory, orientation, word retrieval, and executive functioning skills such as problem solving and reasoning. A cognitive disorder can range from a mild cognitive impairment to advanced Dementia.
Swallow therapy involves a blend of compensatory techniques and direct treatment strategies designed to enhance the safety of oral intake by minimizing the risk of aspiration and maintaining quality of life. Further evaluation of swallowing function may be recommended to objectively assess swallowing efficacy, including Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) or a Modified Barium Swallow Study (MBS) with our partner practices.
Our speech therapy team is certified in the SPEAK OUT!® program, a specialized voice therapy tailored for individuals with Parkinson’s disease. This evidence-based approach strengthens communication and cognitive skills to improve voice quality and clarity. As part of the Parkinson’s Voice Project, we are dedicated to helping our patients maintain their voice and confidence
For more information about the SPEAK OUT!® – Parkinson’s Voice Project, click here.
- Swallow Therapy
- Cognitive Therapy
- Voice Therapy

Paulina Piccard MS, CCC-SLP
Speech Therapy Department Manager
Boynton Beach Clinic

Laurel Alin MS, CF-SLP
Boca Raton Clinic

Susan Levy MS, CCC-SLP
Boca Raton Clinic

Antonia Minervini MS, CCC-SLP
Boynton Beach Clinic